Support to Volunteer Firefighters

Chiquita signed a Collaboration Agreement with the 7th. Volunteer Fire Company, and thus support the prevention and relief work that this important organization carries out in the Department of Izabal.

This management seeks to provide the fire department with the necessary supplies to carry out its tasks efficiently and effectively, especially during emergencies.

At the moment, among others, Chiquita has donated to this Fire Company:

  • Repair of strobe light bar on motorcycle pump
  • Repair of motorcycle pump with water leak and indicative pressure gauges
  • Installation of generator and electrical panel for emergencies
  • Donation of complete firefighter suits and encapsulated suits for emergency response
  • Air conditioning repair in training room.
  • Installation of air conditioners in bedrooms
  • Repair of water leaks from sinks and sanitary services accessories
  • Improved cabins for firefighters on duty
  • Installation of lighting bulbs