Chiquita Guatemala Customs Warehouse Authorization

Terminal Ferroviaria Puerto Barrios appreciates the trust placed in the execution of its services and in order to keep you informed, we inform you that we have been authorized by the Superintendence of Tax Administration - SAT, to enable a new Customs Warehouse, called Chiquita Customs Warehouse Guatemala, located at kilometer 292 second entrance to Puerto Barrios.

The purpose of this Customs Warehouse is to transfer all the operations related to the emptying of import containers containing exclusively vehicles, having to comply with the following:

– Shipping company in origin must issue the bill of lading (Bill Of Loading) indicating the final delivery destination (Place of delivery) this Warehouse (Chiquita Guatemala Customs Warehouse).

– Shipping company or shipper must have in advance the supporting documents (invoice and property title) of each vehicle to be shipped to Puerto Barrios.

– Once the container with vehicles, object of transfer to the Customs Warehouse, has been unloaded, a guaranteed means of transport must be assigned with its corresponding electronic label by the Importer or Shipping Company who must coordinate with its Customs Agent the generation of the declaration of merchandise Regime DA for the corresponding transfer of the container.

– After complying with the previous steps and having the authorization of SAT for the dispatch of the container to the Customs Warehouse, it must be transferred to said location to proceed with the corresponding emptying.

– Upon arrival of the container at the Customs Warehouse, the emptying procedure must be carried out as is normally carried out at the Puerto Barrios Railway Terminal, who will be willing to provide support on site, when each vehicle is outside the container at the facilities of the Customs Warehouse, the Importer together with the Customs Agent, must coordinate the generation of the merchandise declaration regime DI for the respective payment of taxes.

– After the payment of vehicle taxes, the Importer may dispose of it for its respective dispatch.

– Consider that as soon as the container that arrived at the Customs Warehouse to be emptied is already empty, it must be immediately evacuated from said facility in the same means of transport in which it arrived.

From June 5, 2022, the Customs Warehouse will be available to empty vehicles following the previously detailed process.

As of June 12, 2022, clients, shippers, customs agents and importers must comply with the above procedure and direct all containers with vehicles to the Customs Warehouse since from this week onwards this will not be carried out. no emptying process at the Puerto Barrios Railway Terminal.

The availability of having this facility for clients, importers, shipping companies and customs agents is a joint effort of Terminal Ferroviaria Puerto Barrios, Chiquita Guatemala SA and the Superintendence of Tax Administration - SAT, who are fully committed to carrying out an operation efficient and focused on the benefit of our country.

Contacts for any questions: José Manuel Arriaga
Phone: 7931-7071

oscar urrutia
Phone: 7931-7086

Terminal Ferroviaria Puerto Barrios continues to maintain its focus on service commitment and we continue to work for all our customers and users.
